Kaja Koppang

MM Professional
Based in Oslo / Bergen / Ålesund, Norway
MM Qualifications
Apprenticeship 2022
Professional Training 2024
Formats Offered

Kaja Koppang

Kaja Koppang is a Movement Medicine Teacher and Facilitator in training, and the co-founder and CEO of TILT Lab (www.tiltlab.no), a transition agency aiming at contributing to systemic change through system-oriented design. Kaja believes in the power of dance to foster personal and societal transformation.

Growing up in rural Tanzania from ages 4 to 7, Kaja got a taste of the richness of living in a culture deeply connected to nature, community, music, dance and the mystery of life. Her return to Norway, often framed as a return to "wealth," brought her grief instead—exposing the deep disconnection in an individualistic and industrialized society. This contrast shaped her understanding of what true wealth and wellbeing mean for our human bodies.

Diagnosed with Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) after years of being told it was "just in her head," Kaja’s journey has been one of reclaiming her body’s truth and lived experience. She knows what it means to stand in your own story when the world tries to tell you a different one.

Through her Movement Medicine offering, Kaja empowers participants to reconnect with themselves and with the world around them, addressing both personal and global imbalances. She believes in the power of untold stories—the ones held in personal bodies and in our collective body—and creates space for those stories to emerge and be heard. Her work isn't just about personal healing; it's about reframing how we, as individuals and a collective, relate to the our selves, the earth, each other, and the future.

Dance, for Kaja, is a vehicle for change. It disrupts old patterns, liberates new perspectives, and challenges the dominant narratives that have led to ecological degradation and social injustice–in our inner and outer worlds. Her work is direct, focused, and unapologetic in its aim to contribute to a future where increased human wellbeing is achieved within planetary boundaries.

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