A Space for Couples who wish to Deepen Love, Intimacy, and Sexual Fulfilment
In this workshop, Ya’Acov and Susannah Darling Khan, Co-Founders of Movement Medicine, will share the fundamentals of what makes their relationship so inspiring. After 37 years together, the fiery and creative dynamic between them is a source of teaching for anyone wanting more intimacy and therefore better sex in their relationships. They don’t teach tantra. They teach what they have learned through more than 3½ decades of living on the front line of love. Although this is not a dance workshop, Movement and Embodied enquiry are the keys to the way we will work.
During that time, they have developed a radical basis for mutually empowering and responsible relationship between yin and yang and in this case, between a man and a woman. What they have discovered challenges so many of the conceptual baggage that so many of us bring into our relationships.
‘We know that relationship is a challenge. And, the harvest we are in has shown us beyond all shadow of a doubt, that everything we’ve been through together has been worth it in ways we could never have imagined. For us, there is no deeper spiritual practice than committed relationship. When you dare to love someone, then you know that everything that’s undigested, all that shadow material, the terror of being naked and at the mercy of our mortality, the disappointments, the betrayals, the broken places we all bring into that space of love, begging for healing, begging to be seen and heard, all of it will become visible. And when we do, then the rivers and the waterfalls of love are infinite and warm. And if we can find that golden key that stops us looking outside of ourselves for someone to blame for what we are feeling, there is no limit on love that we have yet discovered.’
In this workshop, you will find:
- A safe space for each of you to be, to move, to listen, embody your hearts, and let go, firmly held by Susannah & Ya’Acov
- Movement Medicine teaching and practice to support your autonomy, responsibility, connection and capacity to communicate clearly in relationship
- Gathering the resources needed to understand, own and move through the shadow lands that are part of any ongoing relationship
- Practice on how to move from vicious circles (we all know these right?) to medicine circles through courageous, honest, and embodied enquiry
- A chance to re-commit to a new chapter between you, all accompanied by funky beats and soaring melodies
Participation is by application only. No previous experience is required but we strongly suggest that both people in the couple take Susannah’s Embodied Listening course before the workshop begins and preference will be given to those couples who do that. No nakedness in the workshop space. All the sexual exploration will happen in the privacy of your own room.
What is required is the commitment from both of you to show up, meet your edges, stay until the end no matter what arises, and to be at each session.
There is only space for 15 couples.
Click here to access the application form.