Thu 21 Mar 2024
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm (GMT)
Petra Bongartz: Click to Show Email.
This event ended on Thu 21 Mar 2024.

Join us for an Equinox Ceremony in which we will dance for connection and healing in the five dimensions of relationship.

We will connect to the wisdom of our moving bodies, tend to the landscapes of our hearts and awaken our embodied imagination as we sense, express, release and resource ourselves. In this way, we can listen, ask for, receive and offer support into the web of all our relationships. We dance for ourselves, for each other and for the world to offer up prayers for peace and healing, and to find our own responses from a place of being grounded in resource and the alongsideness of community.
The ceremony is a fundraiser for Palestine. I am in the process of finding out what organisation to best support with the proceeds. As you will appreciate, the situation on the ground in Gaza is shifting constantly, so bear with me as I gather information about where best to direct funds. I will post about where the money will go nearer the time.
This ceremony is open to all- no previous experience of Movement Medicine® is required.
21 March 2024
6-8pm UK, 7-9pm EU, 8-9.30pm SA, 8-10pmSA /10am-12pm US-PST
Find your local time via this link

Suggested donation: £15.
Book via
Please get in touch via DM or [email protected] if you
* would like to donate a larger amount
* would like to join but are facing financial challenges at this time, please be in touch and give what you can.
* are in SA and would like to donate in ZAR via EFT.