
- Part Two

A Basket Full of Medicine

A 3 Week Intensive Workshop
with Ya’Acov Darling Khan
May 12th  - June 2nd

Part Two

The Inner Shaman knows there is no such thing as genuine shamanic practice without reciprocity and the Inner Shaman is a Master of it.
In Part Two, we'll work with the Inner Shaman’s relationship to sexual energy, the animal intelligence of the Shaman’s heart, Vicious circles and medicine circles, and the Movement Medicine alchemy of turning lead into gold. This all adds up to a deepening of your relationship to the Inner Shaman and the basket full of medicine that they hold already within you.

For committed seekers.

Encounter Part Two is only open to those who have completed Part One. If you are committed to the ongoing discovery of who you are, the development of your medicine, and embracing life’s challenges, then this journey is for you.

It is not for space cadets who think of shamanism as a competitive journey to have the most far out experiences as often as possible. This workshop is for you if you are determined to make the very most of your life, by embracing your biography and your ancestry as inspiration to be who you are and give what you came here to give.

what is encounter?

the structure

This workshop is Part 2 of a 3-Part series. Having met your Inner Shaman in Part One , it’s time to put them to work in service of your own deeper awakening. We’re going to hunt and gather the medicine they need to make the strongest impact possible in your day-to-day. The structure will follow the step-by-step teachings in SHAMAN, Ya’Acov Darling Khan’s book, published by Hay House in Spring 2020.

Live Sessions

An embodied, immersive and direct experience of the week’s theme which also includes a Q&A.

Audio Recordings

An evocative 21 minute audio teaching, focusing on the theme of the module.

Listening Circle

A supportive small group session that offers a space to hear and be heard, held by a team assistant.

Daily Practices

Practice assignments will be revealed each day to incorporate in your power hour practice.

Encounter Part 2 will Empower you to:

Deepen your trust in and relationship with the Inner Shaman.
Develop an embodied understanding of how the Inner Shaman works with sexual energy for healing.
Work with the Animal Intelligence of the Inner Shaman’s Heart.
Learn how to shift your state from Vicious Circle to Medicine Circle through working with Movement Medicine archetypes.
Learn the alchemical process of turning the lead of old stories into the gold of here and now presence.
Enrol Today!

Save Your Spot.

For those who have completed Encounter Part 1, you can continue the journey by registering for Part 2: A Basket Full of Medicine below. If you're just beginning your Encounter journey, we are currently offering a special bundle which includes Part 1 as a self study course AND Part 2 as a live workshop which begins May 12th.
Continue the journey
Encounter Part 2
Live Workshop
Reg price: £595


Grab the Bundle
Part 1
Self-study Course
Part 2
Live Workshop
separately: £750



encountering your inner shaman

the journey

May 12th - June 2nd 2022

The Inner Shaman is part of our humanity. To encounter them and discover what they know is not reserved for some special brand of human being. They are as down to earth as you can get whilst remaining connected to the stars. They walk the bridge between how we imagine life to be and how it actually is. Discovering them is a matter of choice, practice, determination and often, humour.

Tender & Wild

Thursday May 12
Since everyone coming to Encounter Part Two will have completed Part One, let’s start in the deep end shall we? In Module one, we will explore this territory with the intention of healing and empowerment. For the Inner Shaman, sexual energy is the unbroken force of life itself. It is the source of their personal power and it is sacred, embodied and available not just for procreation, but for the whole art of manifestation in life.
Listening Circle 1: May 13

The Animal Intelligence of the Shaman’s Heart

Thursday May 19
Module two focuses on your emotional intelligence. For the Inner Shaman, all the different expressions of the heart are like weather. And though they may prefer one weather to another, they understand fully that all weathers are necessary for a healthy human life enriched by relationship with the world around them. Learning to work with E-Motion (meaning Energy in Motion) gives the Inner Shaman a flexibility and strength that combines their animal instincts with their human capacity to reflect and be conscious of how emotion enriches life.
Listening Circle 2: May 19 19.00 - 20.30

Vicious Circles

Sunday May 22
In modules three and four, our focus shifts to the archetypal. In a world in which we are educated to feel sorry for ourselves and to live inside the story of our own disempowerment, the Inner Shaman works to change this perpetual drain on their energy. For themselves yes. But also, for all that they love. The Inner Shaman has access to a circle of archetypes, each of which is medicine for the different aspects of the vicious circle that cause so much ongoing suffering in and for our world. In a very real sense, this is life-changing.
Listening Circle 3: May 22 19.00 - 20.30

Medicine Circles

Thursday May 26
‘Name it to tame it’ is a useful phrase for the Inner Shaman. Having bravely entered the painful territory of how the roles in a vicious circle support the ongoing destruction of trust in ourselves, each other and life, it is time to explore the archetypal medicine that the Inner Shaman has available to them. The strength of the Inner Shaman is the direct result of the alchemical blend of The Wounder Healer, The Dancing Warrior, The Dancing Fool and The Wise Elder. In this module, our work will be to discover the powerful potential of how this works in you.
Listening Circle 4: May 26 19.00 - 20.30

Lead into Gold Ceremony

Sunday May 29
Module Five focuses on the alchemical process that is now available to you through this Basket Full of Medicine. For the Inner Shaman, lead (meaning the poison that we carry from our unhealed experience and that of our families and ancestors) is nothing more than an invitation to create gold. Why gold? Because gold is known for its stability – whatever you try to do it, it remains gold. This stability is the personal power of self-knowledge or the gold of the soul. From this ground, the Inner Shaman is ready to take responsibility for their lives.
This session will incorporate a Listening Circle within the time

Integration And Completion

Thursday June 2
Module six is where we bring all the elements of Encounter Part Two together, assess what we have learned, and turn our focus towards the road ahead. How might the Inner Shaman become an even deeper ally in all areas of your life: health, embodiment, ritual and dreaming, relationship and of course, your contribution to the world? What might be your next steps on the path? Integration is often underrated and yet it is the only way to bring the workshop experience into the dance of everyday life. The Inner Shaman knows that how we end one thing is how we begin the next. And so, completion and integration, since they are the next steps, are the most important ones on the journey so far.
Listening Circle 5: June 2 19.00 - 20.30
In honour of your learning journey, you'll receive a certificate of completion at the end of the course.
Encounter Part 3
At the completion of Encounter Part 2, you will be eligible for the 3rd and Final part of this shamanic odyssey. Encounter Part 3 is called Dreaming the Power of Harvest and will combine Parts 3 & 4 of Ya’Acov’s book Shaman. Built on the solid foundations of Parts 1 & 2, Encounter Part 3 will focus on the power of assuming more responsibility for your life through The Arc of Time work and activating the dream of a strong harvest through Partnering with the Source & Serving Life. 

Part 3 begins March 2nd 2023. 
“‘The Inner Shaman knows who you are and what that life force that’s beating your heart right now is capable of. And they know that the life of future generations is in all of our hands. They grieve for what we’ve lost, but they remain full of gratitude for the strong-hearted and courageous dreams of what we yet might create.” 
- Excerpt from Shaman.

ya'acov darling khan

Ya'Acov has been studying and practicing shamanism all his life. When he was 21, he was hit by lightning and through this, began a three-decade-long journey of initiation. He has been recognised as a practicing shaman by Elder Shamans from the Sami (European tradition), and Achuar and Sápara peoples of the Amazon. Together with his wife Susannah, he is the Co-Creator of Movement Medicine, a contemporary and dynamic shamanic practice designed to support people from all walks of life to be who they are and give what they’ve got.

Ya’Acov’s work comes straight from the heart. He inspires people, often with great humour, to remember who they are. He is the best-selling author of Jaguar in the Body, Butterfly in the Heart (Hay House 2017), the creator of Shaman’s Song - Shamanic Journeys to Empower, Inspire and Re-Connect (Hay House 2018), and the Co-Author of Movement Medicine - How to Dance, Awaken and Live your Dreams, (Hay House 2009). His new book, Shaman – Invoking Power, Purpose and Presence at the Core of Who You Are was published by Hay House in Spring 2020.

from the community

Over the years, we have worked together in my village and in the UK, where every year I join Ya’Acov and Susannah’s Long Dance ceremony. So I have come to know him both as a friend and as a very genuine and compassionate shaman. He has put his knowledge in the service of healing through music, sound and movement, and leads very powerful ceremonies that transform thousands of people, helping them to deal with their suffering and answer their most important questions. He is a great healer who has helped me in my shamanic spiritual growth.

Manari Ushigua, Shaman of the Sapara people of the Ecuadorean Amazon

Encounter on-line has been a precious meeting with my inner shaman as well as been seen and heard by the community. All aspects were gold to me to encounter this archetype of the inner shaman. Big respect and thank you

Veronique, Encounter Part 1 Participant

I received the wisdom of the ancestral lineage, the tools for rituals, and the tree of life... ooh so good! The connection back to the body, feeling the earth, the elements…so beautiful and so powerful. Noticing the fear of my own fire, my own inner power, inner warrior. To connect to that strength…to that potential… to feel free, alive, full of joy. Supa blessed to have joined this gathering and circle!!

Danji, Encounter Part 1 Participant

With Ya'Acov, creating and holding this sacred space and announcing the steps and filling them with life, I could go very deep into, strengthen and intensify my connection to the elements, the ancestors, the tree of life and the lower and the upper world, the Universal Shaman, the Unbroken and to my Inner Shaman... and for me, personally, the most valuable aspect is, that I could clarify my purpose in life and to develop the certainty that I am held and supported by my Inner Shaman to fulfill this purpose

Christl, Encounter Part 1 Participant
Enrol on Encounter

Our International Team

Our powerhouse team of Movement Medicine Professionals will be assisting Ya’Acov for each of the live sessions and holding the small group 90 min listening circles every Friday. They each bring their own unique style and strengthen the potency of the shared container.

Carrie (Zaza) Branovan

Workshop Producer

Carrie lives both in Costa Rica and the USA. She is a Movement Medicine Apprentice Teacher, a grandmother, mother, and partner. Carrie has served for more than 40 years as a photographer and Marketing Director for several conscious businesses, k She has a deep affinity for nature, and you will often find her dancing on the sand as the sun sets over the ocean

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Keef Wesolowski-Miles

Workshop Assistant
United Kingdom

I am a poet, shamanic dancer, and master of ceremonies. I am an apprentice of XamAM Alba Maria (Terra Mirim, Bahia, Brazil). I am a first generation Movement Medicine Teacher. Offerings Shamanic workshops, ceremonies and retreats Movement Medicine. Awakening the Wild community gatherings. Bridging Worlds - Circles of Men. bridgingworlds.online

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Kaya Sertic

Workshop Assistant

Kaya works as an integrative body-oriented psychotherapist and Movement Medicine teacher in Croatia and abroad for many years. She is one of the four founders of Center Meleta, center for integrative body oriented psychotherapy and well-being. These two practices are continuously enriching both her and her offering and create a safe, rich and creative field for her students. She is continuously amazed with how the Spirit manifests through the wiring of our personalities. Kaya also teaches Movement Medicine regularly- monthly classes, weekend workshops and ceremonies.

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Kristin Glenewinkel

Workshop Assistant

Kristin Glenewinkel is a qualified Movement Medicine teacher graduated in 2016. Based in Switzerland, she built a dance community over the last 10 years in Basel. Kristin is a physiotherapist, mother and yoga teacher. Her understanding of the body supports her work in the dance. Her long training in buddhist meditation practice deepens her ability to hold space. She produced her first album with guided Movement Medicine journeys in german language in 2020.

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Tabitha Crook

Workshop Assistant
United Kingdom

Tabitha is a recently graduated teacher of Movement Medicine who loves being alive in a body and is learning arabic flamenco. She is intending to move to Spain to begin the restoration of an oasis in the desert and the creation of a venue in which to teach. She loves to sing, walk and run barefoot, swim in rivers and the sea. She enjoys bringing as much laughter and liberation to as many as possible.

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Maaianne Knuth

Workshop Assistant

Maaianne’s is the co-founder of Kufunda Village in Zimbabwe. Core to Kufunda’s work is enabling rural communities to become strong, empowered agents of their own destiny. Maaianne’s work in conscious dance, and creative group process supports individuals in waking to who they are and what they can be in community.

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Jen Levin

Workshop Assistant
South Africa

The red earth of South Africa is my home and the natural world close to my heart. I love unwavering integrity, Friday afternoons, and honouring sun cycles. I find my healing through dance, ceremony, and daily beach connection. A doctor and medicine weaver, my wish is to merge scientific, modern-day medicine with ancient wisdom traditions.

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Yuki Lakshminarayani

Workshop Assistant

A Movement medicine certified Teacher, a Spiritual Healer, an International Yoga Teacher and a Shamanic Worker.

More than 23 years experience of leading group work. Her work supports you for the unity of Body, Mind and Spirit, and assists you to connect to “Who you are.” For more information about Yuki, please visit her website : beyond3.jimdofree.com/

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Eliza Hope Kenyon

Workshop Producer
United Kingdom

Eliza is a medicine singer and a facilitator of transformational voicework and embodiment practices. She supports those she works with to bring their full, free selves into right relationship with the world, and walks with a fierce commitment to the powers of gentleness, truth, and the emergent intelligence of the field. She is a trained voice coach, a qualified yoga teacher, and a teacher and facilitator of Movement Medicine. She is carried forward by a dedication to the edge of what’s possible, and a real love for our humanity and for this dear earth.

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Lynn Campbell

Workshop Producer
United Kingdom

I have danced and worked in this field of embodiment, Movement Medicine teaching and Movement Psychotherapy for many years: originally as a primary school and Special Educational Needs teacher in London and since then in Newcastle as a freelance artist, Movement Psychotherapist and dance/aerial teacher. I’ve also co parented 3 children.

This fulfilling, challenging field of work took a turn for the richer and the deeper when I started my apprenticeship with the School of Movement Medicine … this deepening has continued and Movement Medicine is now an embedded and deeply valued part of my resources, my work and my ways. My Movement Medicine teaching includes work in nature, ceremony, SEER and ritual, open classes and workshops. I work with teenagers, adults living with Parkinsons and with children and families. I also weave Movement Medicine into my groups and 1:1 work with pregnant women and new mothers.

If you would like a little more information you could look at:
or on facebook at ‘active birth yoga north east’ or ‘The bare toed dance company’ or ‘Newcastle Dance Collective’.

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