Embodied Listening | Movement Medicine Online

Embodied Listening

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199 GBP
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Whatever your level of experience, Embodied Listening will teach you:

  • A tool kit of specific listening skills to support your personal & professional communication.
  • That your attention is a Super-Power!
  • To become more present through reclaiming the territory of your body
  • How to cultivate your compassionate inner witness, the “Wise Elder”
  • How to bring your body, heart and mind to your listening and communication
  • What deep listening is and what it isn’t

Modules & Flow
The course will take you round a Wheel of Embodied Listening skills.

M2 - PRESENCE: In the Centre
M4 - REFLECTION: In the West (Water)
M5 - RESONANCE: In the South (Earth)
M6 - OVERVIEW: In the North (Air)

Each module will take you a step further, teaching you new skills that build on what you have already learned. By the completion of the course, you will have a complete Wheel of Embodied Listening skills that will take you further and remain with you for your whole life.

Practising with a buddy or not?
As preparation for your journey with this course, it’s important to clarify whether you are doing the course with a practice buddy or practice buddies, in which case each of you needs to go through the course in sync with each other, as you build this skill set together, step by step. I suggest you make a clear contract about your commitment to each other and the course, including how often you will meet to practice together. If we don’t explicitly negotiate there, we can set ourselves (or each other) up for disappointment. Please note that if you are doing the journey with a buddy, then it is important to do the solo practices with yourself and your Wise Elder too.

Practising Solo
And if you are doing this Course solo, then may I extend a very warm welcome to you and to the solo journey which can be so profound. I suggest you make a clear and explicit contract with yourself (which is equally important) about how often you will meet with yourself to practise with your Wise Elder and take your next step with the course.

A Couple of Things you'll Need:

Whether you are working solo or with a practice buddy, there are a couple of simple things you will need:

  • It’s important that when you tune into the next step of the course content, you have un-interrupted time, even if that is brief. Turn off other devices, close the door, let people know that you are not available for the next half an hour. Then tune into the content and your own response to it.
  • Have a journal or course diary with which to keep notes of your journey, and, after each lesson, take a moment to feel your response to this material, and write it down.

After you finish this course, you'll receive a certificate of completion from Ya'Acov and Susannah to honour your learning journey.

I trust and hope that learning, practising and applying this skill set will touch your life and the other lives your life touches in a good way. I wish you very well with continuing your human journey with this tool kit of embodied listening skills.

All the very best with your journey,

Susannah Darling Khan

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