Tue 28 Jan 2025
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm (CET)
Svojdomov, Na Sefranici 22, Zilina, Slovakia, 01001
Slovak - slovenčina
This event ended on Tue 28 Jan 2025.

This is the course in which we will learn the basic practice of Movement Medicine:

- Awakening the Dancer

We will follow the path of "Via negativa" - that is, just realize that you don't need to learn anything new. We only let go of what is not ours. And we will rediscover the core essence - the us that lies beneath the layers of beliefs, masks and roles we play. This is the dancer in us.

Through body experience, we will discover and explore particular aspects of ourselves. To let go of what is not ours and return to authenticity.

We exist in the body, and the body is the key to answering all questions about life, the world and ourselves. It is our task to learn to function in and understand our body. To awaken the Divine Consciousness in this body.

What will we gain in this course?

We take responsibility for our emotions and thoughts and thus gain clarity and power over our lives.
We will deepen our relationship with ourselves, we will be more sensitive to our needs on all levels - less critical and destructive, more accepting, kinder and more compassionate /not only to ourselves, but also to others/
We understand how to return to a state of joy and the present moment - an ecstatic state that we knew as children but have forgotten over time.
We will establish a authentic relationship with the elements within and around us. We deepen our reverence and humility for life and the forces that transcend us.
We will understand our role and place on Earth with respect for other beings and Mother Earth.
We will begin to seek a sustainable and harmonious way of being when we understand how we are connected to the whole and part of the cosmos and higher order.

What is hidden under the term Dancer?

There is a dancer in all of us. It is an ecstatic state of being. It is what we are all searching for.All we have to do is awaken to it - open our consciousness to this possibility that it is within us - and tune into the blissful state of being.

The dancer has absolute trust in life.He accepts unconditionally what is, himself and by extension everyone else.

He enjoys himself in human form and all the possibilities he has.

The dancer accepts both light and shadow and dances with polarities. He knows that there is no in-breath without out-breath. He flows with the natural cycles and rhythms of existence. He knows that he is part of oneness. And finds the balance between being and doing.

The dancer dances through life without expectations, fully. He makes the best of every situation because he accepts it as it is.

The dancer speaks with earth, fire, water and wind as his allies, receiving information from unseen world of reality. He perceives that he is part of the whole and all that transcends him.

The dancer has a clear mind, pure intention, and an open heart. He listens to his higher self and can decode the language of the soul through his feelings, thoughts, and emotions. He is deeply rooted in the earth - present in the body.

Come awaken the dancer within you!

Course price: 240 €

The price for early birds until 1 December 2024 is €200.
Please send your applications by 31 December 2024.
More information and application form: www.kristinasihelska.com/kurz