Sat 1 Feb - Fri 7 Feb 2025
Brave Earth, Costa Rica

A blend of tender loving care and disciplined practice for all that your soul dreams. Ya’Acov and Susannah Darling Khan, warmly invite you to gather for the 2025 Mid-Winter Dream Dance. At this time of year, as the first light of the returning sun heralds a new season of growing, our ancestors would have taken the time to go into ceremony and prayer to release the winter and ask for guidance for the year ahead. And that is precisely what this gathering is for.


We will prepare ourselves for 3 days before the ceremony begins. The ceremony lasts for 48 hours, with plenty of time to rest, dream and the encouragement to go at your own pace. Unless it is medically inadvisable for you, light fasting is part of our prayer during the ceremony and a nourishing soup is provided once a day. The ceremony is a Sacred Space in which you will be encouraged to dance and listen deep, and embody your prayers and visions for yourself, your loved ones and for the wider web of life to which we belong. You can expect fantastic music, clear guidance, and profound holding. We see this ceremony as the lunar twin to the Summer Long Dance.

This profound odyssey takes  dancers through the 21 Gateways of the Movement Medicine mandala twice and will give you the chance to tune into the principles and core values that guide your life. Ceremony does that.

Video invitation

In this short video, Ya'Acov and Susannah share more about this event.


BRAVE EARTH, TIERRA VALIENTE Is a "living lab" located about 2.5 hours northeast from San Jose in the community of San Juan, San Isidro de Peñas Blancas. The community acknowledges and honors the Maleku people who are indigenous to this territory. They are stewarding an 80-acre commons nestled between the Children’s Eternal Rainforest, one of the largest protected regions of rainforest north of the Amazon, and Volcano Arenal.


FEB 1 Arrival and Beginnings 

FEB 2 Movement Medicine Practice: A deep enquiry into where you are in your life. 

FEB 3 Preparation for Ceremony

FEB 4 Mid-Winter Dream Dance Ceremony Day 1

FEB 5 Mid-Winter Dream Dance Ceremony Day 2

FEB 6 Completion of Ceremony and Integration

FEB 7 Gathering the Medicine and Departure


Space is limited to 48 dancers. Spaces and lodging is first come first served for this intimate gathering with Ya’Acov and Susannah. All participants will be staying on site at Brave Earth in various lodgings choices.

The work is intense at times and can be catalytic. And although there is great support available, we ask you to confirm that you are resourced enough to be able to enter this deep space and maintain responsibility for your own well-being throughout.