Wed 5 Jun - Sun 13 Oct 2024
Keef Wesolowski Miles: Click to Show Email or 447834703127.

What is Re-Source?

A series of online courses taught by senior Movement Medicine Teacher and Awakening The Wild co-founder - Keef Wesolowski Miles.

These courses offer a unique opportunity to study deeply with Keef Wesolowski-Miles within the safe and intimate container of a small community of cohorts who share the same purpose - living a fulfilling and creative life empowered with integrity, passion, purpose, patience and the poetry of presence.  A life aligned with soul, wisdom and fierce compassion.  A life in which aliveness, sensitivity, sensuality and somatic intelligence are primary.  A life infused with gratitude, ceremony and celebration. A life where the rivers of grief and sorrow lead to an ocean of love and where joy, ecstasy, awe and wonder are moment to moment happenings in the process of being whole hearted human animals.

Dimensions of Awareness
Incantation to Incarnation

What does Dimension of Awareness involve and what will I learn from this journey?

This 11 week Dimensions of Awareness online course is a perfect complement to the 6 month Incantation to Incarnation course and will enable those who have completed that immersion to dive even deeper. It is also a stand alone course that is perfectly suited to beginners as well as more seasoned practitioners.

The primary intention of this course is to explore the 21 Portals of the Movement Medicine® Mandala as a “map of human development and soul evolution”. Through a combination of conversation, conceptual teaching, deep sharing and most importantly somatic practice through dance, we will utilise this potent map to explore our various relationships with ourselves and life through 21 lenses of perception. Movement is the primary Medicine. Community strengthens this.