Thu 8 Feb 2024
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm (CET)
Magnet Kozossegi Haz, Andrassy ut 98., Budapest, Hungary, 1062
English (United Kingdom) and Hungarian - magyar
This event ended on Thu 8 Feb 2024.

We dance to arrive into ourselves: into our bodily sensations, our emotions, our wholeness. We support this arriving with simple exercises, and there’s always plenty of time and space to move freely without instructions. It’s ok to lay down, to rest, to move slowly, or to jump high and release all the stuff that got stuck into you during the day.

And there's space to express yourself in drawing: there's a piece of paper on the wall where you can leave marks letting the drawing emerge from your movement, from your dance.
No previous dance experience needed, come as you are.