Thu 27 Mar 2025
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm (GMT)
Keef Wesolowski-Miles: Click to Show Email or 447834703127.
This event ended on Thu 27 Mar 2025.

PHOENIX rEVOLUTION: Revelation, Transformation, Resurrection is a Movement Medicine Immersion with Keef Wesolowski-Miles. This one is online and is usually offered as Part 3 of Keef's Power of 3 Whole Soul Mentoring Programme. As well as offering his usual groups of 3, he is also offering an online course for a small group of 9 (dates tbc)

This Discovery Call is an opportunity to find out more about the programme and the reasons for working in this way with intimate groups and to discover if it is a good fit for you.

3 Key Distinctive Aspects of this course

ONE - Intimate Group working together over 10 weeks (?)

TWO - The Arc of Integrity: Preparation, Process, Integration. Journeying over a longer time period with this work can facilitate a deepening of the integration of this work. Intense on line courses are great, in the room retreats are powerful. This is simply another way of working tht Keef has found to be very effective.

THREE - The Bridge between Incantation and Incarnation is Repetition. Working in this way gives an abundance of opportunity to practice The Phoenix Process multiple times and plenty of time to practices and integrate the medicine into our day-to-day lives with the support of a committed group of allies.


This is part of a series of 3 online TASTER WORKSHOPS and 5 FREE DISCOVERY TALKS that Keef is offering to introduce various aspects of his work.

HONEY POT is a 'discovery package' that gives you 'access all areas' at a significantly reduced price.

The sessions will work as follows:

3 x £15 each and 5 x FREE; or 'HONEY POT' for all 9 FOR £35

Please book you place, including the FREE sessions as spaces are limited.

Full details of all of these events can be found on his website and in separate events on here and can be booked individually or as part of this package.

DANCING POET: Performance, Talk and Dance - Thursday 27th Feb 1900-2030 (GMT)

VISION (MEDICINE) QUEST: Discovery Call FREE - Thursday 6th March 1900-2000 (GMT) and Thursday 29th May 1900-2000 (GMT)

MAN-GROOVE: Embodied Heart Medicine - Wednesday 12th March 1900-2030 (GMT)

POWER OF 3 MENTORING: Discovery Call FREE - Thursday 13th March 1900-2030 (GMT)

PHOENIX rEVOLution: Discovery Call FREE - Thursday 27th March (GMT)

WILD HEART: Embodied Heart Medicine (mixed) - Thursday 3rd April 1900-2030 (GMT)

THE WAY OF THE DANCING POET - Course Discovery Call FREE Thursday 10th April 1900-2030 (GMT)

BURIAL (Dancing with Death):Discovery Call FREE - Thursday 17th April 1900-2000 (GMT)