Do you know that feeling when you are trying to figure out what to do about a challenging situation, find the answer to a big life question or make a decision about a really important thing, and your thoughts are like Formula 1 cars going round and round the race course of your mind with a lot of noise and pollution but not really taking you anywhere new?
The vantage point of the mind is limited… Most of us may have an inkling that new perspectives and insights don’t come from thinking harder or more… but how do we find new insights, better questions and unexpected answers?
One of the ways to access a more holistic knowing, a place of untapped creativity and of new perspectives comes from engaging in activities that take us deeper into our bodies, connect us to our hearts, inspire our imagination and connect us to what we might call the mystery or the intelligence of life.
In this alchemical weaving together of the wisdom of the body, the potency of our imagination, and the whispers gleaned from the conversation between inner and outer nature, we may find better questions, inspiration and pathways out of stuckness and into possibility.
Many of us find it tricky to access this way of being and enquiring in day to day life. Doing this in a dedicated space, with guidance and the supportive presence of curious companions, can offer us the support to step out of the loop of our day to day thinking and into the mysterious place beyond, where our somatic experience dances with our imagination and we follow the winding paths they lead us on with curiosity, openness and wonder. If this speaks to you, I hope you will join us for Other Ways of Knowing.
You may not end up with all the answers to your questions, but I can almost certainly guarantee that you will have a fresh perspective on what you are grappling with, harvest new seeds of enquiry, and sense new possibilities.
Each session offers a unique process/practice but generally our time together will include a journey into our embodied selves via gentle movement, imaginal creativity, spacious and embodied contemplation, and emergent conversations with our inner and outer wise and wild nature.
Dates: 25 March / 29 April
Cost per workshop session £36.
Email: [email protected]