Sun 1 Dec 2024 - Sun 2 Feb 2025
Keef Wesolowski Miles: Click to Show Email or 447834703127.

"There is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in" Leonard Cohen

How The Light Gets In - S.E.E.R

Systemic Essential Energy Retrieval

8 Week Movement Medicine® Intensive Online Course

The S.E.E.R Process - Systemic Essential Energy Retrieval, is rooted in the ancient shamanic art of SOUL RETRIEVAL. It is an invitation to assume creative responsibility and reclaim essential life energy and personal power from stories embedded in challenging past experiences.

Movement Medicine® is a body based movement meditation practice that will reconnect you to the wisdom of living from the heart, the joy of knowing who you are and the satisfaction of making your unique contribution to life.

During this 8 Week Programme you will cultivate and strengthen a powerful personal MEDICINE CIRCLE. A circle of wholeness and healing. A circle of awakening, integrity, power, protection and inspiration.

We will explore essential resourcing practices, dance with the disempowering roles of THE VICIOUS CIRCLE and cultivate the archetypal empowerment of THE MEDICINE CIRCLE.

From this resourced place we will learn and practise the alchemical medicine of S.E.E.R as a powerful tool for soul evolution and wholesome living.

This programme offers a unique opportunity to study deeply with Movement Medicine Teacher and Somatic Soul Guide Keef Wesolowski-Miles within the safe and intimate container of a small community of cohorts who share a common purpose - living a fulfilling and creative life empowered with integrity, passion, purpose, patience and the poetry of presence.

In addition to cultivating your own personal Movement Medicine practice as a soul resource for everyday living, you will be invited to do plenty of self-reflection, wholeness resourcing practices, explore ‘deepening’ invitations and wander in nature frequently. You will have fine company by your side as you remember, reSource and enliven the magnificent and unique creative being you were born to be.

"It’s been so great to connect with a beautiful community of like minded souls to dance my socks off once a week! I was incredibly astounded how I could explore my inner emotional landscapes through the dance and throughout the time have moved through several powerful Movement Medicine systems and approaches, each with its own unique flavour, realisations, insights and healing. I cannot recommend this container or any other group containers held by Keef enough - Experience deep healing & have tons of fun in the process - what’s not to love?!” Jess Falmer, Coach

How The Light Gets In: Systemic Essential Energy Retrieval

What does it involve and what will I learn from this journey?

Study live online with a senior Movement Medicine teacher and Somatic Soul Guide
Community: learn to embrace personal freedom and collective unity
Practice: movement is the medicine as we cultivate core resourcing tools
Elements: power, protection and inspiration
Emotions: cultivating embodied compassion
Wholeness: integrity, awakening, surrender, gratitude, grace
Relationship: dimensions of awareness, everything is relationship
Learn transformative empowerment tools for personal and collective evolution
Integrity - deepen your capacity to shapeshift from reactivity to response ability
Vicious Circles: victim oriented drama roles
Medicine Circles: archetypes of wholeness, embodied medicine
Soul Revelation: from reactivity to response-ability
S.E.E.R process: DIY embodied soul retrieval
Soul Evolution: from surviving to thriving
Ceremony: intention, incantation, dedication, prayer, devotion and sacred offering

Whilst this is designed to be a stand alone programme, it is highly recommended that you participate in the ReSOURCE Programme that precedes .