Fri 17 May - Sun 19 May 2024
Llaneglwys, near Brecon,, United Kingdom
Keef Wesolowski Miles: Click to Show Email or 447834703127.

Weekend Shamanic Immersion. Next dates: June 21-23 - Radiant Sun Luminous Moon

Guided by Keef & Aluna Wesolowscy-Miles.

Each and everyone of us has access to genius, dignity, integrity and what Ya’Acov Darling Kahn calls ‘humility without humiliation and confidence without arrogance’. In Movement Medicine we often say ‘Dare to Dance, Dare to Dream’. In XamAM’s ‘Prayer to the Great Mother’ we ask that ‘the highest purpose guides our steps and the beat of our hearts unite with the heartbeat of the earth, so we may pulsate as a single rhythm’. In Awakening The Wild we recognise this exquisite creativity at the core of our beings and we invite you to explore Awakening Potential.

Awakening Potential weekends are introductory Awakening The Wild immersions. They provide an opportunity to dive into nature and community and a chance to experience some of the deeper shamanic practices, rituals and ceremonies that constitute our intensive immersions. Aluna and Keef welcome you to explore awakening your true potential.

Movement Medicine
Cabana Sweat Lodge
Shamanic Dynamics
Natural Soul Resourcing
Community Medicine Circles

They are unique opportunities to explore being in community and to experience the medicine of nature-based spirituality, various shamanic-embodiment practices, singing, dancing, working, playing, eating and praying together. Similar to our ‘Portals of Possibility’ weekends except this is open to both women and men.

They are designed to be profoundly nourishing immersions into nature, nurture and ultimately our own true natures. They invite a maturing evolution, a love revolution, in which we gather the tools and resources to embrace our wholeness and retrieve and alchemise our golden gifts that are hidden in the shadows and the wounds of our life stories. They are an opportunity to disconnect from technology and the business of our lives and to reconnect with our own somatic, soul-centric beings. The beauty of these gatherings is that they are accessible to those who are ‘dipping their toes’ into soul work, whilst also being strong containers for those with a track history on a path of soul initiation.